Supporting Small Business Saturday Year-Round

As a small business, ChattyLime would like to remind you that Saturday, November 26 is Small Business Saturday. The importance of supporting small businesses and the spirit of entrepreneurship in the USA is vital to the overall economy and your local community.

There are significant, long-term benefits that come from consumers supporting small businesses – not just local retail and dining, but professional services and vendors as well.  While you may or may not end up paying a bit more, choosing a small business puts more money into the local economy. For example, with every $100 spent at a local retailer, $68 will return to the community through taxes and payroll. If you spend that same amount at a large, corporate chain, only $43 stays in the local economy.

According to the U.S. Business Administration, nearly 28 million small businesses in the United States create 65 percent of net new jobs. Plus, vibrant neighborhoods with local shops and services raise property values.

Now in its seventh year, Small Business Saturday began in 2010 to encourage consumers to spend money at local businesses rather than big box franchise chains. It’s always held on the Saturday following Thanksgiving Day to capitalize on the peak holiday shopping period between Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Remember, when you support a small business, you are supporting jobs, the economy and a local entrepreneur’s dream.


Studies have also shown that small businesses donate 250% more than larger businesses to non-profits and community causes.

Take advantage of the personalized experiences and customer service offered year-round by the neighborhood tailor, local mom and pop printer, and computer repair shop on Main Street.

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Go online and search for “Build a free website,” and dozens of options will pop up to entice you. From customizable themes and free domain names to mobile-friendly designs and SEO wizards, there are an array of online solutions for building totally free websites. However, what’s being offered for zilch and what you might truly need can quickly fall out of balance once you get into the weeds.

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