Images Can Make or Break Your Blog

We’ve already discussed the importance of a blog.  If you missed last month’s article, “To Blog or Not to Blog,” you can read it here.  Now, let’s talk about the role that visuals play in your blog posts.

Would you believe me if I told you that the simple act of adding images to your blog posts would increase your readership, subscribers, followers, and leads?  Well, believe it! Articles with images get 94% more total views than articles without images.   

It’s important to note that you shouldn’t take some random picture you found on Google images and insert it into your blog. There are copyright and licensing issues that can come back to haunt you if you use this approach.  You definitely need to step back and put a little more thought into the images you select and dare I say it, develop a strategy that will help you obtain that 94%.

Hubspot has a great article with data-driven tips that will help you maximize the images for your blog posts.  You can find the entire post here, but I want to call out one particular tip in more detail.

“Combine photos and text to increase viewer retention and engagement.” To further reiterate that tip, a study conducted by Socialbakers discovered that images on Facebook constituted 93% of the most engaging posts, compared with status updates, links, and even video. There’s another number above 90%!

Moral of the story: photos plus text equals engagement! That goes for blogs, organic and paid social media posts.

There are some great tools out there to help you create visually engaging graphics for your blog as well as other social media platforms.  One of our personal favs is, reasons why we love it to be revealed in an upcoming blog.

So, make sure when you are writing your blog posts, you are also creating visually appealing, impactful, and intriguing graphics to go along with your wise words.

Are WIX Websites Really Free?

Go online and search for “Build a free website,” and dozens of options will pop up to entice you. From customizable themes and free domain names to mobile-friendly designs and SEO wizards, there are an array of online solutions for building totally free websites. However, what’s being offered for zilch and what you might truly need can quickly fall out of balance once you get into the weeds.

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