Establishing Trust in Your Brand Starts with Your Email

Branding doesn’t have to mean fancy business cards, pricey brochures or an expensive logo.  It can be as simple as your email address. That might sound a little odd to you, but let’s put it into perspective…

You’re looking for a plumber so you do what any person would do – you Google it! After searching for “plumbers near me” and clicking on results and realize that:

  1. Many don’t have websites (we’ll talk about the importance of a website in a later post)
  2. You found a plumber whose email is [email protected] and another plumber with the email [email protected]

Which Joe plumber are you more likely to call for an estimate?  A recent Verisign survey found that 65 percent of consumers believe a company-branded email is more credible than a business using a free email account1.  Sorry [email protected].

An email address might seem small and trivial, but it can help you stand out from the competition.  A branded email address establishes credibility and lets customers know you are a professional and legitimate business.  Plus, every time you send an email, you are actually promoting your brand.  While a free email account costs nothing, think of the money you’re losing.

The G Suite is a great tool and cost-effective way to create a branded company email.  For $5 a month, you can create an email address that will help establish trust in your brand. That’s money well spent.

1 Verisign. 5 Reasons Every Small Business Needs a Website
Five Reasons to Brand Your Email

Are WIX Websites Really Free?

Go online and search for “Build a free website,” and dozens of options will pop up to entice you. From customizable themes and free domain names to mobile-friendly designs and SEO wizards, there are an array of online solutions for building totally free websites. However, what’s being offered for zilch and what you might truly need can quickly fall out of balance once you get into the weeds.

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