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Are WIX Websites Really Free?
Go online and search for “Build a free website,” and dozens of options will pop up to entice you. From customizable themes and free domain names to mobile-friendly designs and SEO wizards, there are an array of online solutions for building totally free websites. However, what’s being offered for zilch and what you might truly need can quickly fall out of balance once you get into the weeds.
Digital Content Reigns Supreme in Converting Prospects
Make your online content work harder and win your audience In today’s saturated market, it takes fresh messaging and custom, genuine content to stand out from the crowd and gain favorable attention.
Engage Energy & Industrial Consulting Turns to ChattyLime to Take Back Control of Website
After a big box marketing agency designed and developed its new website, Engage Energy & Industrial Consulting was left with limited abilities to manage its own site.
Is an Email Marketing Campaign Right for You?
With various social media outlets and plenty of digital advertising options available, you may be wondering if email campaigns should still play a role in your marketing plan.
Why Responsive Web Design Is a Marketing Must
Every business should have a web presence beyond social media. A website informs customers about products and services and establishes brand legitimacy.
This Holiday Season Keep the Apostrophe to Yourself!
Let’s have a quick chat about how to properly pluralize your name this holiday season. Ah…the good old apostrophe. While people are concerned about being politically correct this holiday season, let’s be focused on being grammatically correct.
Stretch Your Budget with Free Marketing Tools
Collaborate, design and maximize productivity for free! All marketing gurus love free tools so here are a few that ChattyLime approved!
Images Can Make or Break Your Blog
We’ve already discussed the importance of a blog. If you missed last month’s article, “To Blog or Not to Blog,” you can read it here. Now, let’s talk about the role that visuals play in your blog posts.
3 Reasons You Need a Website (Even if business is booming…)
The truth is there are about 1,228 reasons why you should have a website, but who has time to read an article that long? So, we’re going to go with our top three…
To Blog or Not to Blog?
It is 2017 and your marketing strategy should definitely include a regularly updated company blog. Consumers are actively researching your company before making a purchasing decision and blogs are a great way to showcase your industry expertise in a non-salesy way.